Finding the Rosacea Treatment that Works for You

Heal the Redness and Bumps and Stop them from Coming Back!

Julie B Campbell - Rosacea treatment that worksHaving rosacea can be terrible, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to find the rosacea treatment that works for you.  That may be hard to believe when you are going through flushes, when you blush more than anyone you know, and when you get bumps on your face that make it look like you have a raging case of acne, but it is true.

I was diagnosed with rosacea about 15 years ago.  Since that time, I have consulted with 2 doctors and 1 dermatologist, as well as a broad range of different types of skin care pros, cosmetologists, aestheticians, and alternative therapy experts. I’ve experienced successes, failures, and failures that looked like successes at the start, but it wasn’t until 2015 that I finally found what worked for me.

As a writer, my natural inclination was to share this with other people who are going through what I have experienced.  So I’ve created this site.

I’m not promising a cure. I just want to share what I’ve learned.

As I said, I’m a writer.  I’m a children’s and young adult fiction author.  I’m not a dermatologist, doctor, or any other type of skin or medical expert.  I am a rosacea sufferer who has gone to great efforts to take the right steps to treat the condition and get rid of the redness, bumps, heat, itchiness, stinging, and other “fun” symptoms of the condition.  (For more information about why you should care about what I have to say and to see my “before” pictures, check out my About Me page)

This site will show you the rosacea treatment that works for me.

I don’t know whether or not it will work for you, too.  Every case of rosacea is different.  I’ve talked to people who have done everything “wrong”, and their successes had been far greater than mine.

Fortunately, I’ve found my own rosacea treatment that works, and I have been odd enough to keep a solid record of all of the other things I have tried on my way to finding this solution.  My hope is that you will be able to use this information to discover your own ways to overcome the symptoms of this condition.

After all, just because there is no cure, it doesn’t mean that you have to live with the symptoms.  You just need to know how to stop them!